The Super bowl has been watched by Americans for decades. Football is probably one of the most physically demanding sports out there. Concussions are a common injury to football players.
It is a type of traumatic brain injury in which the brain moves back and forth violently. Symptoms of a concussion can be headaches, pressure in the head, ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, and brain fog. Concussions can also cause the top bone in the neck to get out of normal alignment. As a secondary effect of this, abnormal neurological function results in the body which in turn can cause the symptoms of a concussion. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386.
The snow has just started to drop in the East Coast. Walking around the city, I see city workers putting pellets all over the stairs and ground.
The purpose behind it is to prevent slippage and injury. Snow can make a person predisposed to falling down as things are unstable. This is a proactive approach. With health, much of society is reactive. This means they only want to get checked when a pain or symptoms comes up. However, in a lot of disease conditions pain is the last time to show up (cancer, heart disease). If we took a proactive approach to health, it would be much more beneficial for our bodies. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Is health merely about feeling good? You hear stories in the news all the time about young and healthy looking people who don't have any pain and suddenly get diagnosed with cancer or heart disease but they felt good.
It's not fun to be in pain but health has a lot more to do with function than feeling. Even our blood pressure, we may feel that it's good but only when we are able to objectively test the function of it will we know the real measurement. In our office, we utilize a state of the art neural scanner to measure your body's physiological function before and after a correction. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Recently, I noticed I had a hard time opening the door to my apartment. Upon closer inspection, my key looked like it was slightly bent. So when I would try to open my door, it would scrape against the mold that was originally made for the key to fit in.
When our spine has abnormal alignment it creates an imbalance of forces throughout our spine resulting in abnormal stresses. As a result, our bodies can experience muscle spasm/tension, dowager's hump (granny's hump), degenerated vertebrae, damaged discs, nerve impingement syndrome. Ultimately, secondary conditions such as neck and back pain, headaches, shoulder and knee pain, shoulder pain, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and vertigo can develop. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Secondary Conditions aka Symptoms can range from neck pain, back pain, numbness and tingling throughout the body, to more neurological conditions such as fibromyalgia, post concussion syndrome, vertigo, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, and migraines headaches.
We live in a society where the predominant thinking seems to be that an absence of pain equals health. But is that really the case? What is the first symptom of a heart attack? Of course, in most cases it's an actual heart attack. What about most cancers? Do you feel pain right away? No, a lot of times the pain doesn't show up till the disease process is in the end stage. Many times the way we tend to see symptoms is to try to get rid of them as quick as possible whether it would be by prescriptive medications or by rubbing an ointment. This is understandable as pain is not a fun thing to deal with. But could it be that symptoms are pointing to something else that has been going on in the body? Merely, taking medications is the equivalent of your check engine light going on and putting duct tape over it. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Adaptation is defined as "a change or process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment." Why is it when you take two people and expose them to the same toxin that one gets very sick and the other doesn't. It has to do with the body's ability to adapt.
When the body is "stuck" physiologically and not adapting, then it is not functioning optimally. One of the objective indicators we use as our office is our Neural Scan. These scans are able to show if the human body is in "stuck" physiology or adapting physiology. When there is a neural abnormality in the body secondary to the top bone in your neck being out of alignment, the consequence is your body is no longer adapting properly. This can lead to secondary conditions such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, dizziness, vertigo, and many other conditions. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Migraine Headaches are a debilatating condition that affects many people all the over the world. The typical treatment for migraines range from botox injections to taking pills such as imitrex. There has also been much emphasis on migraine relief diets and the avoidance of certain foods. However, could the very cause of migraines and headaches in general be something structural?
When the top two bones in our neck get out of normal alignment, it can put pressure on the brain stem. This would cause abnormal neurological function in the body and stress in the upper part of the neck, which can ultimately create neck pain and ultimately lead to tension headaches. Now at the same time when that bone misaligns, it can actually interfere with blood flow to the brain, which can result in the symptoms that go along with migraines, the lack of blood flow to the brain creates the aura, the blood vessels get inflamed, get irritated. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. A critical part of upper cervical care is a profess called retracing. It took time for your body to get to the diseased state and it takes time to retrace it back to health. Retracing means sometimes that as part of the healing process you may feel some symptoms that you haven't felt for months or even years. Initially, a patient may think they are getting worse when in reality the body is retracing of the several stages through which the disease progressed in the making.
The bottom line is retracing has to do with time. By the time the body develops a symptom, the disease has been in process for years and it is not normal that the body should regain normal neurological function right away. It takes time to retrace back to health. Typically acute diseases respond quicker than chronic cases. An example of retracing is seen in scars. When you get a big cut, it doesn't heal back to normal right away. It goes through a process which is naked to the eye but inside the body healing is taking place. Once the upper neck gets back to normal alignment, muscles and ligaments start to regain normal tone and the area begins to stabilize. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. The area that we specialize in the Upper Cervical region which is composed of the top two bones in the neck C1(atlas) and C2(axis). The Upper Cervical region is the least protected area of our entire spine. While the rest of the spine has big muscles and discs protecting it, the upper cervical area is a very unstable joint and yet has to support the full weight of our head which can way anywhere from 10-15 lbs.
The reason the Upper Cervical Area is so important is that the brainstem is located there. The brainstem controls things such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, balance and coordination, and even the lower back muscles. When we eat food, do we tell our body to digest it? No, it happens automatically. The brain communicates to the nerves in our stomach to begin digestion and this is only possibly because of our brainstem which acts as the operating signal between our brain to the rest of our body. At our office, we utilize state of the art infrared thermography to brain stem function. The way it works is that one of the functions that the brainstem controls is skin temperature. The infrared device is able to pick up specific heat that is emitted from the vessels in our body. Any deviation in skin temperature great than .5 degrees is an indication of brainstem pressure causing abnormal neurological function. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. Depression is a very common mental health disorder that is so common that more than 3 million cases are diagnosed each year in the US. People with depression have been characterized with having a low mood and a disinterest in activities. Low levels of dopamine which is an excitatory neurotoxin has been found in brain scans of depressed people which has led to the conclusion that abnormal neural circuits in the brain may be a cause.
The question is how is one able to check if the neural circuits in the brain are normal or abnormal. The nervous system includes our brain, the brain stem, the spinal cord, and all the nerves that go to every organ (including the lungs), tissue, and muscle in our bodies. What about if there was a way to measure how the nervous system is functioning? Could a deficit in the nervous system lead to a breakdown in dopamine production? The main control center of our nervous system is the brainstem which is located where the top bone in our neck resides. When we have various traumas in life, whether from slips and falls, car accidents, excessive poor posture, amongst other things. It can cause problems to the neck area and as a consequence lead to problems with the brainstem. At our office, we utilize state of the art infrared thermography to measure nervous system function. The way it works is that one of the functions that the nervous system controls is skin temperature. The infrared device is able to pick up specific heat that is emitted from the vessels in our body. Any deviation in skin temperature great than .5 degrees is an indication of an improperly functioning nervous system. To learn more about what we do at Precision Chiropractic, please visit us at and if you would like to schedule a complementary consultation please call us at 347-674-3386. |
Dr. Jeremy SubadyaChiropractor at Specific Chiropractic Archives
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